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Trying to fix issue with compareTo() method


I've been working on a project to make a generic binary search tree, and the code is for the most part finished. However, this one part of the code isn't working, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

private Node<E> add ( E item, Node<E> root ) {    if ( root == null ) {        return new Node<E>(item);    }    if ( root.data == item ) {        return root;    }    else if ( root.data.compareTo(item)< 0) {        root.right =  add ( item, root.right );    }    else {        root.left = add ( item, root.left);    }    return root;}

The error occurs on the first "else if" statement, and the error message I get is that "class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer (java.lang.String and java.lang.Integer are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')." Outside of the provided code, I have integers and characters being taken as inputs to test that the binary tree works with multiple data types. I know compareTo() can work between characters and integers, it would compare the ascii value of the character against the integer. From there, the only thing I can think of to be causing this issue is the "root.data.compareTo(item)..." If I'm correct, and that is what's causing my issue, how would I be able to compare that specific instance of root.data to the item variable?

I am providing the entire code below, to show the different interactions between classes, objects, and methods.

package project4;import java.util.Iterator;public class BST<E extends Comparable<E>> extends Object implements Iterable<E>, Cloneable{    public static void main(String args []){        BST tree = new BST();        tree.add("g");        tree.add(5);        tree.add(6);        tree.add(2);        tree.add(4);        tree.add("h");        System.out.println(tree.toStringTreeFormat() );    }// actual class definition    private Node<E>  root;    private E[] elements;    public BST() {        root = null;    }   /*     BST(E[] collection){        if(collection == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not provide a null argument");        }        else {        }    }    */    // add function    /*        public boolean add( int val ) {            if (root == null ) {                Node n = new Node (val) ;                root = n;                return true;            }            return add (val, root);        }        private boolean add (int val, Node n ) {            //found duplicate            if ( val == n.data) return false;            if ( val < n.data ) { // go left                if ( n.left == null ) {//attach it right here                    Node current = new Node (val);                    n.left = current;                    return true;                }                else { // recurse to its left subtree                    return add(val, n.left) ;                }            }            else { // go right                if ( n.right == null ) {//attach it right here                    Node current = new Node (val);                    n.right = current;                    return true;                }                else { // recurse to its right subtree                    return add(val, n.right) ;                }            }        }    */    public boolean add ( E e ) {        int oldSize = size();        root  =  add( e, root );        if (oldSize == size())            return false;        return true;    }    private Node<E> add ( E item, Node<E> root ) {        if ( root == null ) {            return new Node<E>(item);        }        if ( root.data == item ) {            return root;        }        else if ( root.data.compareTo(item)< 0) {            root.right =  add ( item, root.right );        }        else {            root.left = add ( item, root.left);        }        return root;    }    // remove function    private boolean found ;    public boolean remove(E val)    {        found = false;        root = recRemove(val, root);        return found;    }    private Node<E> recRemove(E target, Node<E>  node)    {        if (node == null)            found = false;        else if (target.compareTo(node.data) < 0)            node.left = recRemove(target, node.left);        else if (target.compareTo(node.data) > 0)            node.right = recRemove(target, node.right );        else {            node = removeNode(node);            found = true;        }        return node;    }    private Node<E> removeNode(Node<E> node)    {        E data;        if (node.left == null)            return node.right ;        else if (node.right  == null)            return node.left;        else {            data = getPredecessor(node.left);            node.data = data;            node.left = recRemove(data, node.left);            return node;        }    }    private E getPredecessor(Node<E> subtree)    {        Node<E> temp = subtree;        while (temp.right  != null)            temp = temp.right ;        return temp.data;    }    // check if a value is stored in the tree    public boolean contains (E val ) {        if (root == null)            return false;        Node<E> cur = root;        do {            E curVal = cur.data;            if (val == curVal)  return true;            if (val.compareTo(curVal) < 0) cur = cur.left;            else cur = cur.right;        } while (cur != null) ;        return false;    }    // this should be stored in a data filed to improve performance    // calculation is done just as an exercise    public int size ( ) {        return size(root);    }    private int size( Node<E> n ) {        if (n == null ) return 0;        return 1 + size(n.left) + size(n.right);    }    private static class Node<E>{        E  data;        Node<E>  left ;        Node<E>  right ;        Node( E data ) {            this.data = data;        }        Node(E data, Node<E> l, Node<E> r ) {            this.data = data;            left = l;            right = r;        }    }    private void preOrderPrint(Node<E> tree, int level, StringBuilder output) {        if (tree != null) {            String spaces = "\n";            if (level > 0) {                for (int i = 0; i < level - 1; i++)                    spaces += "   ";                spaces += "|--";            }            output.append(spaces);            output.append(tree.data);            preOrderPrint(tree.left, level + 1, output);            preOrderPrint(tree.right, level + 1, output);        }        // uncomment the part below to show "null children" in the output        else {            String spaces = "\n";            if (level > 0) {                for (int i = 0; i < level - 1; i++)                    spaces += "   ";                spaces += "|--";            }            output.append(spaces);            output.append("null");        }    }    public String toStringTreeFormat() {        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();        preOrderPrint(root, 0, s);        return s.toString();    }    @Override    public Iterator<E> iterator() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return null;    }

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